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Nice game, idk if you're still working on it, but if you are I hope I can provide some feedback.

 - I think melee weapons could be improved to be a bit more powerful  As it is, they are generally less desirable to guns in every way, which may be fine, but it just causes them to seem useless.  One way they could be improved if you don't want to buff the damage is to perhaps make them more effective at destroying walls.  They already do this somewhat well, but making it even stronger would encourage players to actually make use of this as a feature.

 - When enough enemies are killed, more seem to respawn immediately.  To me at least, this diminishes the reward of killing enemies.  When I kill an enemy, I like to think "that's one less enemy" knowing that I've progressed towards eliminating the threat.  As it is, killing them feels less like killing them and more like teleporting them around, making the player's actions feel less consequential.  Perhaps using waves, or a continual flow of enemies, or even removing enemy respawn as a mechanic could improve this.

Overall it's a fun experience, nice work!


nice demo

btw if you stack some guns and stand on them you shoot directly into the ground

how to change level to the town

There's only a test scene so far

You can shoot guns through walls if you are right up against a wall you can easily fix this by giving the guns a collider not only will it fix the bug it will also not look weird seeing your gun just clipping through a wall, besides that this game is amazing!

Yeah, but you'll get stuck in doorframes and other narrow places



this is absolutely amazing 

you inspire me to continue my game development.

Thanks! Good luck with your game


Thank you



this is really cool, and I just wanted to know if this is going on steam when released?


Probably, I have never released games on Steam, but if this one is successful, I'll try

(1 edit)

this amount of weapons is super impressive and the detail put into each one is pretty insane my only question is , why? borderlands and games with a similar amount of weapons have the amount of weapons that they do because they are first person. the guns take up a lot of the screen and you can see all of the details that make that gun unique , but this game is top down their is no emphasis put on the guns by the perspective and you can barely see them. and their is not much difference between each gun, like why go to the trouble of making 107 guns if there are only like 5 that feel radically different ,another thing instead of making half of the weapons the same gun with different attachments why not make an attachment system? but at the end of the day despite all of the criticism i do not think this was entirely a mistake I dont think this will ruin the game i just think in this situation you should have spent your time and energy working on something like the AI , level design or making the destructible enviroment non-kinematic before the force of the bullets is applied so that it makes a proper hole instead of just making the wall shake and crumble on the first shot. 

I don't think I wasted my time and energy, and I don't think an attachment system would work for this game.

sorry if that came off mean spirited i still think your game will benefit from the amount of weapons, just not as much as the amount of time and detail you put into it would warrant. I respect the grind and wish you the best. 

Thank you

(1 edit) (+1)

Sick as fuck demo, excited for where this goes.
But in earnest (as I always try to be), I have some points:

RPMs are way too slow on everything but ARs and sniper rifles (SMGs and Minigun for ref)

Bullets feel like they take way too long (they're slow)

RPG is lame, same for laser weapons (how do LMGs impact more environmental damage than a literal explosion?)

Hit detection fucks up sometimes (go up to the north wall and shoot at it, also happens with the dummy)

Bullet sounds (and bullets in general) feel way too weak (with exceptions).

Very excited to see where this goes!

Best of luck, stay restless, cheers!


Damn, thank you for your feedback!

Deleted 316 days ago



Hi, just wanted to say keep up the great work, really enjoyed trying out what you've made so far.

Thanks :)